With the intention of continuing to work on raising interest in the importance of raising awareness about the donation of me bone marrow among university students, we request the dissemination of the contest called by the Regional Coordination of Transplants of ADOS, in collaboration with the Department of Culture, Education, Vocational Training and Universities. 


Bone marrow donation is one of the few that can be done during life and it saves the lives of thousands of anonymous people in the world every year. One of the primary objectives in raising awareness of this type of donation is the design of informative interventions aimed at young people, with the aim of improving the opinion on donation and bone marrow transplants, which will allow them to make their own decision in this regard and be informed transmitters of the knowledge acquired about the donation in its sphere of family, social, academic and work influence.


The Ministry of Health and ADOS, in collaboration with the Ministry of Culture, Education, Vocational Training and Universities, are calling a short film competition aimed at university students to the escholastic course 2022/23 which has as its theme the donation and the benefits of bone marrow transplantation, in order to promote social awareness in a responsible way about donation , understood as a voluntary and altruistic act. Othe submission period will end on June 16, 2023.


Students enrolled during the 2022/23 academic year in the universities of the University System of Galicia and UNED’s associated centers in Galicia will be able to participate in the short film competition.


In the following links on our website, you can find useful information about the activity:



https://galicia. medulaosea.org/

Thanking you for your cooperation to achieve maximum dissemination, receive a cordial greetings.

Mª Luisa Blanco Anta

Blood and Organ Donation Agency
Joaquín Díaz de Rábago, 2-6
15705 Santiago de Compostela
T. +34881 546 902
maria.luisa.blanco.anta@sergas.gal · ados.sergas.gal