Inicio » Governing bodies


Doña Victoria Lojo Vicente
Academic secretary
Don Jacinto González Oya
Mª Pilar Ribeiro Martínez
Representative of the Department of Health
Don Francisco Javier Puente Prieto
University Delegate
Don Ángel Eduardo Pérez Diz
Doña Concepción Estévez Villar
Doña Mª del Mar Alonso Pérez
Don Francisco Jesús Represas Carrera
Don Rafael Eladio Vázquez Gallardo
Student body
1 student for each course


Quality Assurance Committee
This is the body that participates in the planning and monitoring tasks of the IQAS (internal quality assurance system).
internal quality assurance system), also acting as one of the vehicles for internal communication of this system.
of the policy, objectives, plans, programmes, responsibilities and achievements of this system.

Teaching Management Committee
Delegated body of the School Board. It shall have a consultative-advisory nature.
With the aim of achieving greater operability and efficiency, this committee includes the following

  • Teaching Subcommittee.
  • Subcommittee on Validation.
  • Clinical Practice Subcommittee.

More information in the following document: