The University School of Nursing of the Integrated Management Management of Vigo has among its primary purposes the provision of quality education aimed at obtaining the official graduate degree in nursing that accredits to provide general nursing care. This mission is divided into two main lines:
1.- Train competent professionals for care in the field of nursing, based on respect for professional values, ethical-legal principles and scientific evidence, prepared to work in interdisciplinary teams and to offer general care in environments changing, therefore, graduate nurses must be able to adapt to the changes produced in healthcare, given the continuous evolution of health and new priorities in the field.
2.- Collaborate in the development of knowledge and innovation in the field of nursing care.
The University School of Nursing of Integrated Management Management of Vigo aspires to become an open School, fully integrated into the University of Vigo and recognized on a social and professional level. An intelligent organization that learns and constantly seeks opportunities to improve.
A School where both professionals (teachers, administration and services) and students find satisfaction in their work, in an environment of respect in which interdisciplinary cooperation is encouraged.

The principles that guide the School’s actions are based on its definition as a University Teaching Center aimed at the training of health professionals in the discipline of Nursing with the focus of attention centered on the person, whose care will be carried out, safe and effective way. The nursing graduate requires a professional awareness that recognizes their autonomy and responsibility in all aspects of their professional practice.
Nursing is the profession whose function and social value is to care for the health and illness of people, families or communities, respecting their needs and values.
The knowledge that supports the Nursing Graduate, their skills and competencies are those collected in the Degree report available at the following link: