Subject: XLII National Congress of Paediatric and Neonatal Intensive Care Nursing (Murcia, 17-19 May)

From the board of ANECIPN and the Scientific and Organising Committees of the XLII National Congress of Paediatric and Neonatal Intensive Care Nursing, we are pleased to share with you our annual meeting, which will be held in Murcia on 17, 18 and 19 May 2023.

With the paediatric and neonatal critically ill patient as our main focus, we will address the great challenges currently posed by nursing care in this field, accompanied by excellent professionals who are experts in the thematic areas proposed for this congress.

Please visit the website where you will be able to find all the updated information.

We would hereby like to ask for your collaboration in disseminating this scientific activity, which would be of great help if you could:

  • Publication of the event in your diary or website
  • Publicise the event by means of an informative mailing to students
  • Announcement in your newsletter or bulletin
  • Social media

Trusting that this information will be of interest to you, please find attached an example of a dissemination mailing and we remain at your disposal for any questions you may have.

We look forward to seeing you in Murcia, a city with a remarkable historical, artistic and cultural heritage, as well as a diverse and peculiar gastronomy that will captivate you.

Best regards,

Dunia Gil – Technical Secretariat XLII ANECIP Congress

Calle Gayano Lluch 34 – 2ºA – 46025 Valencia
Telephone: 963 764 364 – Mobile: 656 812 253 – clavecongresos.com