The Tudela Health Area (a health area located in the south of Navarre that forms part of the Navarre Health Service-Osasunbidea) is interested in hiring nursing staff to help reinforce its workforce in the coming months, especially in order to cover holidays this summer and other absences until the end of the year.

The area’s staff attends to a population of almost 100,000 inhabitants for ordinary care and around 130,000 for urgent care, distributed over 22 municipalities, which are grouped into 7 Basic Health Areas, with the new Primary Care model implemented in all of them.

The health resources available to us are as follows:

  • Area Hospital
  • 7 Health Centres - 16 Local Clinics
  • Sexual and Reproductive Health Care Centre (CASSYR)
  • Mental Health Centre
  • Normal Emergency Service of Tudela

Our values are based, among others, on listening, understanding and involvement, establishing effective channels of participation and co-responsibility with the professionals, as well as with all the people and interest groups that may be affected or receive an impact from our services and products.

We are also an area that is involved in providing a safe and healthy environment for professionals, with an important portfolio of services in continuous expansion, adapting to new needs and organisational systems of work, which is committed to technological and organisational innovation in healthcare practice.

For more information, please send an e-mail to this address or call 848 434 223 / 848 434 321 / 848 434 322.