Inicio » Work End of Degree

The Real Decree 1393/2007, of the 29 of October, establishes that the teachings of degree will conclude with the elaboration and defense of the Work of End of Degree (TFG), that will owe to realized on the final phase of the plan of studies and will stand guided to the appraisal of the competences associated to the title.

With the finality to unify the criteria and procedures that guarantee a performance homoxénea on the planning and appraisal of the Works End of Degree, the present document responds the requisite recolleito on the article 2.5 of the regulatory rule of the TFG of the University of Vigo to establish the internal rule of each centre, to regulate the pautas than have to rexer the elaboration, presentation, defense, appraisal and tramitación administrative of the Works End of Degree of the School of Infirmary Meixoeiro

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