Detalle del grado
Description of the title
Qualification: Graduate in Nursing from the University of Vigo (UVigo).
Branch of knowledge: Health Sciences
Qualifies for a regulated profession:
- Yes, profession of nurse
- Resolution: of February 14, 2008, BOE of February 27, 2008.
- Regulation: Order CIN/2134/2008 of 3 July 2008, BOE of 19 July 2008.
Applicant University: University of Vigo (public)
- Total credits: 240 ECTS
- Basic training credits: 60
- Compulsory credits: 78
- Elective credits: 12
- Credits in external placements: 78
- Final degree project credits: 12
Centres where it is taught:
- Code 36013813, O Meixoeiro University School of Nursing. Affiliated centre. Vigo campus.
- Code 32016492, Ourense University School of Nursing. Affiliated centre. Ourense Campus
- Code 36013874, Pontevedra University School of Nursing. Affiliated centre. Pontevedra Campus
- Code 36019591, POVISA University School of Nursing. Affiliated centre. Vigo Campus
Type of teaching: face-to-face
Number of new places offered: 50
Study regime:
- Full-time:
- Minimum ECTS enrolment: 48
- Maximum ECTS enrolment: 60
- Part-time:
- ECTS minimum enrolment: 18
- Maximum ECTS enrolment: 47
Languages used throughout the training process: Galician, Spanish and English.
Periodicity of the offer: yearly
Implementation course:
- 2009-2010 academic year: affiliated centres of the O Meixoeiro University School of Nursing and POVISA.
- 2010-2011 academic year: affiliated centres of the University School of Nursing of Ourense and Pontevedra.
Modified report: 2014-2015 academic year (partial implementation for the adaptation course)
Date of verification
- Verification: 25/6/2009
- Modification: 29/7/2014
Study with a modern, practical methodology, endorsed by the leading universities and schools in the sector. You will receive training and monitoring in updated content and appropriate to the expectations of the world of work. The renewed approach of the Meixoeiro University School of Nursing allows each student to explore his or her capabilities in order to achieve the maximum development of his or her potential.
access and admission
You can enter the Meixoeiro University School of Nursing if you meet any of the following requirements
For a future student of the Bachelor’s Degree in Nursing, it is advisable to have an attitude of helping people. An integral vision capable of relating and relating to all the dimensions of the human being. An adequate disposition for teamwork, continuous, reflective and critical study, continuous adaptation to change and the management of situations with a high physical and emotional load. Responsibility, balance, personal maturity and good health are also required.
Students wishing to study for a Bachelor’s Degree in Nursing must possess skills that enable them to integrate and skilfully manage the knowledge acquired during the training period.
Accessible pre-enrolment information systems and reception and orientation procedures for new students to facilitate their incorporation into the university and the degree programme: (
Accessible pre-enrolment information systems. The University of Vigo develops an information programme for potential future students. This information is of a
general information on access procedures.
On the University of Vigo website (, and on the website of the Inter-University Commission of Galicia (CIUG CiUG | CiUG), different information related to the degrees being offered is publicly available and accessible.
different information related to the degrees offered. All information is public and is available before the start of the different enrolment periods.
Welcome and orientation procedures.
Initial reception and resources available for access to information by management, tutors and teaching staff.
management, tutors and teaching staff .
Welcoming of students by the Institution and the corresponding tutors:
Presentation of the Clinical Practice Guide
Adaptation to the degree
Nursing Degree
Credits ECTS: 240
Courses: 4
Places: 50
Access Note: 11.32 (ORD)(1)
Price: 835.80(2)
Registration DEC 12
(1) Ord: ordinary call, Ext: extraordinary call. Access grade for the academic year 2022/2023
(2) Amount of the ECTS credits of the first year. Fees not included