Teachers Teachers teachers Inicio » The center » Teachers First course Second course Third course Fourth course Course 2023-24 FIRST COURSE ANATOMY Jacinto Luis González Oya (Coord.) Doctor, graduate in psychology, master and specialist Jacinto.luis.gonzalez.oya@sergas.es María Jesus Montenegro Guerrero Obstetrics and Gynecology Specialist Maria.jesus.montenegro.guerrero@sergas.es BIOCHEMISTRY Yolanda María Diz Chaves (Coord.) Doctor yolandadiz@uvigo.es COMMUNITY NURSING I Macarena Chacón Docampo (Coord.) Nursing Diploma. Psychology Degree. Community Specialist and Doctoral Student macarena.chacon@iisgaliciasur.es STATISTICS Luís Vilán Crespo (Coord.) Doctor. lvilan@edu.xunta.es Ángela Prieto Campo Diploma in Statistics. Graduated in Optics. Master in Optometry and doctoral student angela.prieto@iisgaliciasur.es PHYSIOLOGY Jacinto Luis González Oya (Coord.) Doctor, graduate in psychology, master and specialist Jacinto.luis.gonzalez.oya@sergas.es María del Carmen Toucedo Estévez Graduate in nursing Maria.carmen.toucedo.estevez@sergas.es NURSING FUNDAMENTALS Cristina Gómez Cantorna (Coord. Doctor Cristina.gomez.cantorna@uvigo.es TECHNICAL ENGLISH Anthony Rostron (Coord.) Bachelor of Biology ajrostron@gmail.com PSYCHOLOGY Jacinto Luis González Oya (Coord.) Doctor, graduate in psychology, master’s degree and specialist. Jacinto.luis.gonzalez.oya@sergas.es SECOND COURSE CLINICAL NURSING I María del Mar Alonso Pérez (Coord.) Obstetrics and Gynecology Specialist and Doctoral Student Mar.alonso.perez@sergas.es CLINICAL NURSING II Rafael Vázquez Gallardo (Coord.) Bachelor Rafael.vazquez.gallardo@sergas.es NURSE COMMUNITY II José Ramón López Martínez (Coord.) Diploma in Nursing Jose.ramon.lopez.martinez@sergas.es Macarena Chacón Docampo (Coord.) Nursing Diploma. Psychology Degree. Community Specialist and Doctoral Student macarena.chacon@iisgaliciasur.es ETHICS AND LEGISLATION María Victoria Lojo Vicente (Coord.) Doctor, graduate in sociology and anthropology and master Maria.victoria.lojo.vicente@sergas.es PHARMACOLOGY AND DIETETICS Adolfo Paradela Carreiro (Coord.) Doctor Adolfo.paradela.carreiro@sergas.es Francisco Jesús Represas Carrera Doctor Francisco.jesus.represas.carrera@sergas.es NURSING MANAGEMENT Francisco José Álvarez Aragón (Coord.) Máster Gestion.eue@gmail.com INTRODUCTION CLINICAL NURSING Rafael Vázquez Gallardo (Coord.) Graduate Rafael.vazquez.gallardo@sergas.es CLINICAL PRACTICES I María del Mar Alonso Pérez (Coord.) Obstetrics and Gynecology Specialist and Doctoral Student Mar.alonso.perez@sergas.es THIRD COURSE CLINICAL NURSING III Mónica Martínez Suárez (Coord.) Diploma in Nursing Monica.martinez.suarez@sergas.es Clara González Formoso Doctor Clara.gonzalez.formoso@sergas.es GERIATRIC AND PALLIATIVE NURSING Cristina Gómez Cantorna (Coord.) Doctor Cristina.gomez.cantorna@uvigo.es MATERNAL-CHILD NURSING Concepción Estévez Villar (Coord.) Master and Specialist in Community and doctoral student Concepcion.estevez.villar2@sergas.es Carmen Amorín Pedrosa Master and Specialist in Obstetrics and Gynecology Carmen.amorin.pedrosa@sergas.es apcarmen@hotmail.com MENTAL HEALTH NURSING Nuria Carrera Alfonso (Coord.) Mental health specialist, graduate in Psychology and doctoral student Nuria.carrera.alfonso@sergas.es CLINICAL PRACTICES II María del Mar Alonso Pérez(Coord.) Obstetrics and Gynecology Specialist and doctoral student Mar.alonso.perez@sergas.es CLINICAL PRACTICES III María Victoria Lojo Vicente(Coord.) Doctor, graduate in sociology and anthropology and master’s degree. Maria.victoria.lojo.vicente@sergas.es Arturo Barrientos Cancelo Degree in Nursing Arturo.barrientos.cancelo@sergas.es Rosa María Díaz Beloso Mental Health Specialist and doctoral student Rosa.maria.diaz.beloso@sergas.es FOURTH GRADE ENGLISH FOR HEALTH PROFESSIONALS Anthony Rostron (Coord.) Bachelor of Biology ajrostron@gmail.com INVESTIGATION METHODOLOGY Pablo Juan Salvadores (Coord.) Doctor Pablo.juan.salvadores@sergas.es CLINICAL PRACTICES IV José Ramón López Martínez (Coord.) Diploma in Nursing Jose.ramon.lopez.martinez@sergas.es Concepción Estévez Villar Master and Specialist in Community and doctoral student Concepcion.estevez.villar2@sergas.es María Victoria Lojo Vicente Doctor, graduate in sociology and anthropology and master Maria.victoria.lojo.vicente@sergas.es Jacinto Luis González Oya Doctor, graduate in psychology, master and specialist Jacinto.luis.gonzalez.oya@sergas.es María del Carmen Toucedo Estévez Graduate in nursing Maria.carmen.toucedo.estevez@sergas.es CLINICAL PRACTICES V Concepción Estévez Villar Master, Community Specialist and doctoral student Concepcion.estevez.villar2@sergas.es Rosa María Díaz Beloso Mental Health Specialist and doctoral student Rosa.maria.diaz.beloso@sergas.es HEALTH RISK PREVENTION Carmen Lameiro Vilariño (Coord.) Occupational nursing specialist Carmen.lameiro.vilariño@sergas.es FINAL DEGREE PROJECT Concepción Estévez Villar Master, Community Specialist and doctoral student Concepcion.estevez.villar2@sergas.es Pablo Juan Salvadores Doctor Pablo.juan.salvadores@sergas.es